BREXIT Update 01.01.2022
From 01.01.2022, the following changes will come into force for goods imported from the EU into the UK:
For import declarations, the following declaration procedures will apply depending on the transport route and port of entry:
- “Temporary storage model”: Goods must remain in the UK port of entry at a charge before being declared to customs: –> Applies (currently and in future) for LoLo/RoRo shipments (unaccompanied trailers and containers)
- “Pre-lodgement model”: import customs declarations must be submitted prior to shipment: –>Applies for direct transports (driver-accompanied transports) e.g. via channel ports
- The temporary simplified import declaration procedure (EIDR) no longer applies.
- Start of the new British IT customs system GVMS
- Strengthening of border controls may lead to delays
- Customs regulations for veterinary goods: From 01.01.2022, British importers are obliged to inform the British Animal Plant Health Agency (APHA) about imports from the EU into Great Britain (GB) using the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).
Information from the British government: