Imports GB: Safety and Security Declarations (S&S)

From 31 January 2025, a security declaration (also known as Entry Summary Declarations or ENS) must be submitted for goods brought into the UK.

S&S GB is the Entry Summary Declaration Service (ENS) for goods imported into the UK. The declaration is used by HMRC and the border authorities to risk assess goods before they arrive and applies to all modes of transport.

The ENS declaration is independent of the import customs declaration for goods and does not include duties or taxes.

The carrier of the goods is responsible for submitting the security declaration on time.


Import EU: New freight information system of the EU customs authorities ICS2

The European Union is introducing a new customs security and safety programme from 04.12.2024.

Data on goods must be available before their arrival in the EU. This data will be registered in the form of the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Cargo Information System – Import Control System 2 (ICS2)

This information system serves to improve the protection of the European internal market and to facilitate the movement of goods through a data-driven customs security procedure.

The data collection volume for transport service providers and operators will increase by up to 70%.

An administration surcharge of €15.00 per load is therefore to be expected.


Project supported: Children’s coloring books and workbooks can save lives

The Hamburg Fire Department regularly conducts preventative fire safety education at the Fire Department Information Center ( The children receive free age-appropriate workbooks and the Kinderfinder sticker to support them in the classroom and for follow-up.
With the help of the books and the free app, they consolidate and deepen what they have learned. The Kinderfinder sticker is affixed to the door of the children’s room and can save lives in the event of a fire. Interteam was able to co-sponsor the project.

Learning Book
Report (German)


Sustainability – reduction of CO2 emissions

Sustainability, consideration and conscious living are very much at the forefront of all our actions!For Interteam as a company, holistic sustainable behaviour is important!We have had our sustainability performance in the areas of the environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement assessed by a major provider of sustainability ratings. The results and the internal work and procedural instructions also form the basis for the economical use of resources. Interteam Speditionsgesellschaft supports environmentally conscious behaviour by its employees. Transport services are to be provided in an environmentally friendly manner, in particular by utilising and exploiting multimodal transport chains.
Interteam also invests in reforestation and the protection of forests.
We invest in reforestation and forest protection projects of a non-profit organisation (holder of the DZI donation seal)
We offer our clients participation in planting and conservation projects to reduce CO2 emissions for the transport services they book with us. The CO2 emissions generated during transport can be determined realistically on the basis of actual road kilometres travelled and vehicle and emission classes. Certificates showing the project location, time and quantity of participation as well as the registration number are issued for participation in a CO2 reduction.
In this way, we can make a joint contribution to climate neutrality and pursue the future goal of achieving immediate and complete CO2 removal.
Contact us:

Update UK transports: Border and customs controls for imports of SPS goods (animal products and plant products) from 31.01.2024

Animal products and plant products are divided into three different risk classes.

The import requirements are derived from the risk classification. Accordingly, no veterinary certificates or phytosanitary certificates are required for the import of SPS goods with a low risk from the EU or another third country.

For SPS goods with a medium or high risk, a veterinary certificate or phytosanitary certificate is required.

Information from the UK authorities on risk classification and health certificate action (digital or paper):

Border Target Operating Model: information leaflets for businesses – GOV.UK (

List of risk classification by product type:
Import risk categories for animal and animal product imports from the EU to Great Britain: summary tables – GOV.UK (

Check import risk categories and related rules for animals and animal products imported from the EU to Great Britain, from 31 January 2024 – GOV.UK ( including database query.
(Page 5: “What to do, if the consignment is medium risk and there ist no health certificate?”)

How to get validated PDF GB health certificates for imports of live animals and animal products to Great Britain – GOV.UK (

For technical queries, please contact your British trading partner, customs agent or the responsible British authority DEFRA (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs).

We are available to answer your questions at the e-mail address!

EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) | Combating Climate Change | Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions


The ETS aims to significantly reduce emissions by 2030 and bring them to net zero by 2050.

All shortsea routes involving Interteam’s trades and vessels with a gross registered number of more than 5000 will be subject to the EU ETS from 01.01.2024.

Under the EU ETS, any shipping company with ships calling at or leaving ports in the EU or EEA will be required to comply. This means that shipping companies must buy emission allowances for each ton of CO2 to cover their CO2 emissions each year.

The amount of CO2 emissions will be limited and supply and demand will determine the price of emission allowances. As a result, allowances [European Emission Allowances (EUAs)] will increase in price over time.

For voyages between EU and non-EU countries (e.g. UK), emission allowances must be purchased for 50% of the distance between the two ports.

On short-sea routes between the EU and the UK, the ETS therefore only applies to 50% of the route for the time being. However, the UK is developing its own variant of the ETS, which is expected to be introduced in the coming years.

Roll-out schedule (EU):

In the first step, shipping companies will go through a phase-in period. In 2024, allowances for 40% of total emissions must be purchased. This will increase to 70% in 2025 and finally reach 100% in 2026.

Projected costs:

The costs of the ETS, joint compliance and climate change mitigation, and GHG emission reductions will have to be absorbed by the market. The surcharge introduced is not a means to make a profit! The cost per tonne of carbon dioxide can be tracked*. A monthly surcharge will be introduced from 01.01.2024. Final cost calculations are currently being made. Further information will follow.

Further information:

*Cost per tonne of carbon dioxide:

Extension of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme to maritime transport:

Brexit UK: Gradual introduction of new border controls (Update)

The UK government has published the final “Border Target Operating Model”, which addresses the phased introduction of full customs controls on so-called SPS (animal products and plant products) goods.


The timing of the phased introduction has been adjusted (see below).


Animal products and plant products are to be classified into three different risk classes in the future.

The requirements for importation are derived from the risk classification. Accordingly, when importing SPS goods from the EU or another third country with a low risk, a prior notification or a health certificate will no longer be required. Health certificates are to be gradually digitized.


31.10.2023 –> 31.01.2024:

– For animal products and plant products with a medium risk, the submission of veterinary certificates and phytosanitary certificates will become mandatory


31.01.2024 –> 30.04.2024:

– For animal products and plant products with a medium risk, controls (physical controls and verification of documents) at border control posts such as Border Control Post or BCP will be introduced.



           – Mandatory submission of entry summary declarations (Safety and Security declarations) for imports from the EU analogous to the existing procedure for import from third countries.

Update Brexit

Customer Information | Brexit August 2020


Three-stage procedure:


The UK will introduce customs procedures by product group on 01.01.2021 for imports from the EU by means of a 3-step plan:


  1. 01.01.2021:
  • Standard goods: Instead of the simplified transition procedure (TSP) introduced in 2019, a so-called “CFSP” procedure with “EIDR” (Customs Freight Simplified Procedures and Entry In Declarants Records) will be implemented for a continuous 6 month period from 01.01.2021 to 30.06.2021, initially without prior application, introduced for all British importers (EORI UK).
  • Similar to TSP, the importers must independently keep records (customs tariff number, invoices, value of goods etc.) of all imports as part of this procedure (CFSP with EIDR). The import must be reported to customs after 6 months at the latest. Example: An import from April 1st must be registered by September 30th, an import from June 1st to November 30th
  • Any customs payments must be made together with the postponed customs declaration, at the latest after 6 months
  • At the time of the postponed declaration (Supplementary Declaration), an approval for the “Customs Freight Simplified Procedures” (CFSP) or the appointment of a customs agent is necessary
  • Alternatively, a full customs declaration can be submitted to British Customs prior to shipment. However, any customs charges must be paid directly to UK Customs on import either with a deferred customs account or other payment methods. The use of an agent customs deferral account is possible.
  • UK import sales tax is payable quarterly
  • Goods with the required import permit (e.g. goods subject to excise duty, live animals and certain plant products); that fall under the “Controlled Goods” status: The EIDR procedure cannot be used. Either the simplified customs procedure (CFSP / Simplified Frontier Declaration) must be used or a complete customs declaration must be submitted in advance.
  1. 01.04.2021:
  • For all products of animal origin, for example meat, pet food, honey, milk or egg products and all goods that fall under health and phytosanitary regulations, the so-called SPS products (Sanitary and phytosanitary products of animal origin, plants, vegetables, fruit and produce: import declarations and health certificates from British customs are mandatory from April 1st, 2021.
  • Sanitary and phytosanitary requirements (EN):
  • Information from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on veterinary hygiene export conditions: (may differ from country to country)
  • Pre-registrations must be made via the GB “IPAFFS” system (Import of products, animals, food and feed system)


  1. 01.07.2021:
  • The Temporary Simplified Procedure Agreement and the Customs Freight Simplified Procedures and Entry In Declarants Records will only apply until the end of June 2021.
  • For imports from the EU, the CFSP procedure must be applied for and approved in general from 01.07.2021 or full customs procedures (C88) will be applied to all imports.
  • Customs declarations must be made before shipment
  • Use of the new british customs system GVMS
  • Alternatively, the transit procedure (T-paper) can be used
  • From 01.07.2021, border controls will intensified


Further Information:

Information from the EU: The EU Commission provides detailed information on the preparation for the end of the transition period in a communication entitled “Ready for changes …”.

Among other things, important information is given on the following topics: Customs formalities and customs controls, customs and tax regulations for the import and export of goods (customs, value added tax, excise duties), as well as certification and approval of products, requirements for the branch as well as labeling and Labelling. EUR-Lex document: 52020DC0324:


Information from british customs authorities:


UK Import VAT: UK Customs HRMC is currently examining a plan to introduce deferral accounts for companies that do not yet have an approved current deferral of import VAT (Customs Comprehensive Guarantee) or do not use an agent deferral account.


Originating status / Customs tariff (UK)

From 01.01.2021, the originating status of the traded goods must be proven in order to be able to claim preferential treatment under a future agreement between the EU and Great Britain. Customs duties are levied on goods that do not meet the origin requirements, even if the EU and the UK conclude a duty-free and quota-free trade agreement.

The new customs tariff “UK Global Tariff” applies to all goods that are imported from 01.01.2021, unless there is an exception (see above):

Customs tariff online tool:


Incoterms is becoming more focused to avoid legal misunderstandings under the UK’s new status. The respective obligations of the parties with regard to transfer of risks, costs and transport procedures, as well as customs clearance are regulated by Incoterms.


EORI: From 01.01.2021, exporters or importers from the EU will need an EORI number, which is assigned by the customs of the respective EU country. EORI numbers previously assigned in Great Britain are no longer valid. Exporters or importers from Great Britain must therefore have applied for an EORI number in Great Britain before 01.01.2021.

From the first shipment after 01.01.2021, the EORI number of the EU exporter and that of the British consignee are required.




CFSP is a simplified customs procedure that is processed using the Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP) or the Entry Into Declarants Records (EIDR) procedure. A declaration of imports must be made to customs by the 4th of the following month. The customs registration for the CFSP procedure takes approx. 4 months. For declarations under the CFSP procedure, a freight forwarder in the UK can be commissioned with import clearance and, if necessary, fiscal representation for the CFSP procedure.


Export procedures:


EU exports (from Germany):

  • Export declaration: Issuing the export accompanying document (ABD or English: EAD) via the customs IT system Atlas by the customs representative (for example: Interteam)
  • Presentation / demonstration at customs:
    • Goods with a value of € 3.000,00 must be presented to the customs office in advance or a single application for presentation outside the customs office place has to be made for every single export (“Applications for presentation outside the office place must be timely, no later than two hours before the office closes the day before packaging and shipping… “).
    • Note: Costs may be charged for the demonstration at customs or the so-called presentation outside the office
    • Exporters with a simplified customs declaration procedure with formal authorization: Goods are automatic release for export without presentation to customs
      • Do you have an formal authorization for the simplified customs declaration procedure?
    • Do you have a permit for a simplified procedure from the customs?
  • The customs IT system Atlas generates an MRN (EU Movement Reference Number)
  • Notification of the MRN to the shipping company (Calais) or registration in an electronic port data system (Rotterdam and Amsterdam)
  • Final clearance at the EU external border and generation of the proof of export (AV) as proof of VAT-exemption at the German tax office


GB exports (Information to follow):

  • Informationen folgen