Sustainability - reduction of CO2 emissions

Sustainability, consideration and conscious living are very much at the forefront of all our actions!

For Interteam as a company, holistic sustainable behaviour is important!

We have had our sustainability performance in the areas of the environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement assessed by a major provider of sustainability ratings. The results and the internal work and procedural instructions also form the basis for the economical use of resources. Interteam Speditionsgesellschaft supports environmentally conscious behaviour by its employees. Transport services are to be provided in an environmentally friendly manner, in particular by utilising and exploiting multimodal transport chains.

Interteam also invests in reforestation and the protection of forests.

We invest in reforestation and forest protection projects of a non-profit organisation (holder of the DZI donation seal)

We offer our clients participation in planting and conservation projects to reduce CO2 emissions for the transport services they book with us. The CO2 emissions generated during transport can be determined realistically on the basis of actual road kilometres travelled and vehicle and emission classes. Certificates showing the project location, time and quantity of participation as well as the registration number are issued for participation in a CO2 reduction.

In this way, we can make a joint contribution to climate neutrality and pursue the future goal of achieving immediate and complete CO2 removal.

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