New emission regulations in force in the North Sea and Baltic Sea from January 2015

From January 2015, strict regulations will come into force in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regarding the proportion of sulphur in marine fuel. In accordance with the "Sulphur Emission Control Area" (SECA) defined by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), only ships whose fuels contain a maximum of 0.1 percent sulphur will be allowed to sail in the North and Baltic Seas.
The affected shipping companies in short-sea traffic can alternatively install exhaust gas filters (scrubbers) in their ships, convert to methanol or gas propulsion or choose a hybrid variant to fulfil the requirements. The shipping companies are also taking a risk, as it is not known which technology will ultimately prevail. The North Sea and Baltic Sea shipping companies will have to pass on their share of the investment as costs to their customers. Market observers are currently assuming an unconfirmed sea freight increase of 30-40%. We will keep you informed.

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